Saturday, December 4, 2010

Advent calendar 2010

I am not crafty. At all. So much so that as you can see, I just bought an Advent calendar (from here) with a little booklet of readings. And I was planning to put up the felt one I bought last year so the kids could put the little felt shapes together to make the nativity scene.

Then I thought after looking at the many Advent calendars on Nicole's blog that perhaps I should make a bit more effort. So this is our first go at an Advent calendar with Bible readings and activities to do. I just bought a packet of blue envelopes, some number and Christmas bauble stickers, and stuck the stickers on the envelopes. And we now have an envelope to open each day as well as the little door on the calendar I bought.

For each day, I just used the readings that came with the Advent calendar I bought and added some activity ideas, mainly from a blog by Ally that Nicole recommended. A couple of cooking things that I knew I could cope with as well. Making a few decorations. Going and looking at Christmas lights. That kind of thing.

So far it is going okay. We've had a few late dinners this week, which has meant by the time we sit down to do the reading and discussion/prayer time after dinner, the kids have been a bit tired and silly, but we are hanging in there. The readings are only a couple of verses each which is perfect for tired and silly children to cope with.

Hopefully this is the start of a continuing tradition. Maybe next year I will make the little parcels or cups or something. I can't sew, so there won't be a funky little fabric one. But I am pleased we managed to do it this year.

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