Monday, April 4, 2011

Book Chat #3

It went well. There were seven of us, a perfect number for me to cope with without feeling overwhelmed. Room for a few more so it can grow in the future. Lots of people brought food. We sat out on our front deck in the warm sun and enjoyed the breeze and afternoon tea.

And there were some interesting comments on the book. I loved the chatty anecdotal style of writing but somebody else found that annoying. Side tracks and tangential discussion happened but that was okay. We are only in the early formation stages of a new group, after all.

I'm pleased it went well. We decided to rotate it around people's homes, but continue the Saturday afternoon tea as the time it will run. We will have it once a term if all goes well. Next time we are hoping to read a book about a missionary (either a 21st century missionary, or somebody older....will depend on what we can find). I like the look of My Seventh Monsoon. But it is between print runs at the moment so I will have to see when the new edition is coming out. It is a lot cheaper than the first edition, so hoping we won't have to wait long.

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