Monday, February 20, 2012

Lucky lizard

On Saturday while I was out and about driving, I turned right into a busy local street.

And coming in the opposite direction (fortunately in the opposite lane to me) was one of these lizards. He wasn't sitting quietly on the concrete waiting to have his photo taken, though. He was running pretty fast. Right behind him was a dog in hot pursuit. And behind them both was a car that had slowed to a crawl to give them the right of way. If I'd been a few seconds later they would have flown out into the street I was turning right from and I probably would have squashed the poor lizard, and maybe the dog as well, flat.

Not sure what happened next although I didn't hear any brakes squealing behind me so hopefully all concerned survived.

Not quite what you expect to see as you're driving along. A bit funny to think about afterwards since I didn't kill or crash into anything. Unlike this guy who was very lucky to only crash into a few cars as he drove ten kilometres the wrong way across the Westgate Bridge and freeway in Melbourne over the weekend. Scary stuff.

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